
Distributive fairness and local acceptance of wind turbines: The role of compensation scheme

by Marie Leer Jørgensen, Helle Tegner Anker and Jesper Lassen


Mapping  wind-power controversies on social media: Facebook as a powerful  mobilizer of local resistance

by Kristian Borch, Anders K. Munk and Vibeke Dahlgaard


Managing Local acceptance of  technology change within wind power projects,

Master thesis by Anika Zandra Alcoat, July 2018


Mapping Value Perspectives on Wind Power Projects: The Case of the Danish Test Centre for Large Wind Turbines

by Kristian Borch

Lokal accept og udvikling af vindmølleprojekter
Opsamling på wind2050-projektet

by Concito

Preferences for Offshore-Onshore Wind Power Development in Denmark - Accounting for Spatial Data. USAEE working paper 18-330
by Pablo Hevia-Koch , Jacob Ladenburg and Stefan Petrovic


Paradigmeskift i dansk vindkraft - kampen om projektudviklerens rolle, Policy Brief nr. 5
Julia Kirch Kirkegaard, DTU Vindenergi

Borgerdeltagelse i vindmølleplanlægning, Policy Brief nr. 4

by Laura Tolnov Clausen, Copenhagen University

Udfordringer for etableringen af vindmølleparker i Danmark, Irland og Skotland, policy Brief nr. 3
by David Rudolph, DTU Wind Energy

Strategisk kommunikation om vindmøller på sociale medier, Policy Brief nr. 2
by K. Borch, V. Dahlgaard og A.K. Munk

Public Engagement in Danish Nearshore Wind Projects in Law and Practice
by B. Ram, H.T. Anker, N-E. Clausen and T.R.L. Nielsen

Peak wind: the social acceptance of wind energy in Cornwall. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.10883.71206
by JuliaTomei,UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

Kommuneplanlægning for vindmøller, Policy Brief nr. 1

by  Helle Tegner Anker, Copenhagen University

A turbine is not only a turbine: The role of social context and fairness characteristics for the local acceptance of wind power
by Ulf Liebe, Anna bartczak and Jürgen Meyerhoff

Estimating Preferences for Wind Turbine Locations - A Critical Review of Visualisation Approaches
by Pablo Hevia-Koch and Jacob Landenburg

Kvalitativ analyse af opfattelsen af planprocessen for vindmøller på land hos kommunalpolitikere og kommunalt ansatte, der har ansvar for vindmølleplanlægning. Interviews i 21 kommuner. VidenOmVind, august 2016
by Henrik Vinther,

Nearshore Versus Offshore: Comparative Cost and Competitive Advantages
By Henrik Klinge Jacobsen, Pablo Hevia-Koch and Christoph Wolter

Acceptance of Wind Power: An Introduction of Drivers and Solutions (in Alternative Energy and Shale Gas Encyclopedia by Jay H. Lehr et al.)
by Jacob Ladenburg.

Spatial preferences in a choice experiment, Visual impact of offshore Wind turbines as a case
Master Thesis by Jacob Casper Bjerregaard

Blæst om demokratiet
by Tove Enggrob Boon og Tine Reimer

Energy Plan for Roskilde Municipality with Focus on Onshore Wind Turbines, Dorte Brandt Andersen, DTU Wind Energy Master Thesis

The Visual Impact of Wind Turbines: Guidelines for Stated Preference Studies
by Pablo Hevia-Kock

Does more Wind energy influence the choice of Development location? Assessing the cumultative effects of Wind turbine encounters in Denmark. Energy Research & Social Science. 10 26-30
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Is willingness to pay for visualised landscapes amenities using web surveys sensitive to screen size?. Paper presented at the Danish Environmental Economic Conference, 27-28th of August 2015.
by Pablo Hevia-Koch & Jacob Ladenburg (2015)

A Note on the Cumulative Effects of Daily Wind Power Encounters on the Relative Acceptance of Increasing the Wind Power Capacity
Offshore and Onshore, USAEE working paper series
by Jacob Ladenburg


How Spatial Relationships influence Economic Preferences for Wind Power - A Review, Energies, vol. 8. pp 6177-6201

by Lauren Knapp and Jacob Ladenburg


Mapping of the legal framework for siting of wind turbines - Denmark
by Helle Tegner Anker and Marie Leer Jørgensen


Spatial relationships: Preferences for offshore wind power  

Paper accepted for presentation at EAERE 2015
by Jacob Ladenburg and Lauren Knapp


Public acceptance of wind farm developmemnt: Developer practices and review of Scientific literature
by Tom Cronin, Bonnie Ram, Jim Gannon, Niels-Erik Clausen, Christian Thuesen, Esmir Maslesa, Melanie Krey and Joana Gerald


Mapping wind energy controversies online. Introduction to methods and datasets
by Anders Kristian Munk 

Management of uncertainty and ambituity in wind power projekts
Master Thesis by Jaime Palomo De Sotto

Response strategy to different issues regarding local acceptance in wind power developmement
Master Thesis by Tinna Björk Sigmundsdóttir 

Dynamic properties of the preferences for renewable energy sources - a wind power experience-based approach
by Jacob Ladenburg, KORA

How does landscape quality impact residents' preferences for onshore Wind farms in their community? - A choice experiment approach
Master Thesis by Nora Marie Ackermann

Economic Valuation of the Externalities  of Offshore and Onshore Wind farms in Denmark: Results from a Nationwide Choice Experiment Survey
Master Thesis by Abrha Teklay Abay

Management of uncertainty and ambiguty in complex polytechnic Projects: the case of Wind Power in Spain
Master Thesis by Jaime Sánchez Saralegui